SOLTEC has been developing and producing ultrasonic tanks for a number of decades.
In order to function, these tanks make use of the principle of cavitation.
The ultrasonic waves are produced by an electric generator coupled with one or more piezoelectric transducers, which produce ultrasonic vibrations. These oscillations of pressure and vacuum create countless numbers of micro-bubbles within the liquid, which implode and create intense acoustic impact energy between the liquid and the object being treated.
This acoustic energy acts on a microscopic level, enabling it to be distributed as evenly as possible, even with objects with complex shapes.
Although the operating principle may appear straightforward, an ultrasonic tank - which is an electromechanical system whose parts are highly interdependent - actually requires complex orchestration to allow it to function in an efficient, reliable manner.
SOLTEC uses high-quality components, careful production processes and an established QA system, and is supported by the leading certification bodies. Furthermore, the company can draw upon expertise gained over decades of experience in many fields of application.
We know that our machines will be used to do important things, and only experience makes these important things possible.
SOLTEC offers 3 ranges of ultrasonic tanks:
an advanced line with a display that offers more functions and information, more advanced electronics with remote control via PLC, and functions to assist you with your process control…
an automatic multifunctional system designed to automate the entire cleaning process

In addition, SOLTEC offers an entire range of products to support its ultrasonic tank systems, from liquids specially designed for ultrasonic applications to a host of accessories.